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Convert Type Workflows

For general documentation on utilizing the Workflows tab - click here.

While Passive and Active Workflows operate on requests and responses - Convert Workflows operate on bytes received as input.

Using Convert Workflows

Convert Workflows are manually triggered and are integrated in various areas of Caido:

When using Constant Values:

  • Within the Workflow Editor supply the input in the Data field under Inputs with the Use reference checkbox deselected. Then apply the conversion by clicking the Save and Run button.
Testing Convert Workflow with user supplied input within Node.

When using Reference Values:

  • At the bottom of the Concept Workflow Editor is an Input pane in which you can supply data and then apply the conversion by clicking the Save and Run button.
Testing Convert Workflow with user supplied input.
  • Highlight the data to be changed, right-click in the associated pane and select either Convert (Preview) or Convert (Replace). Preview will present the output in a pop-up window and Replace will apply the conversion to the selected bytes.
Applying a Convert Workflow to request data.

Creating a New Convert Workflow: MD5 Hash Example


This example Workflow is available for download and import. Click here to download.


In this example - the Workflow created will perform MD5 hashing on the given input.

Navigate to the Workflow Editor for the Convert type by following these steps:

  • Select the Workflow tab from the left-hand menu within the Caido window.
  • Select the Convert tab.
  • Click + New Workflow.
  1. Enter an arbitrary name for your Workflow.
  2. (Optional) Enter a description of the workflow.
  3. Click Save.
Convert MD5 hash.
  1. Click, hold and drag the MD5 Hash Node into the pane directly right.
  2. Drag the Nodes into a top-down heirachical structure. Connect them together by making Node Connections.


Convert Workflows require an End Node to function properly.

  1. Select the MD5 Hash Node by clicking on it to display its properties in the right-hand pane. Here, the Node's Name, Alias and input type (Constant Value or Reference Value) can be configured (for this example creation, leave the default configuration as is).
  2. Supply test input to be converted by the Workflow.
  3. Click Save and Run - the conversion output will be displayed in the Output pane.