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Running in Docker

Running the Image

We offer images on Dockerhub that you can run directly on x86:

docker run --rm -p 7000:8080 caido/caido:latest

This will start Caido on port 7000. You can then point your browser's proxy settings to

To use another port, replace 7000 in the command above with a different port.


For M1 users, it is now possible to enable Rosetta in the Docker settings. You can then run images with --platform linux/amd64.

Project Persistence

By default, Projects created in the Docker container are not saved between docker run commands.

We recommend mounting a volume to keep your data on your file system and to avoid losing data between Caido updates.

This is done by appending the -v parameter to the docker run command using the format -v <HOST PATH>:/home/caido/.local/share/caido.

Note that the host path must be an absolute path.

Make sure you give the right permissions to <HOST PATH> via chown -R 999:999 <HOSTPATH>.

Your running command should look like the following:

docker run --rm -p 7000:8080 \
  -v /home/my_user/my_data:/home/caido/.local/share/caido caido/caido:latest


/home/my_user/my_data will be the folder containing Caido projects.

Building the Image

If you prefer to build the image yourself, here is a Dockerfile sample you can use:

## Base ##
FROM debian:bullseye-slim as base

  apt-get update && \
  apt-get -y install ca-certificates && \
  apt-get clean

## Download ##
FROM base as download

  apt-get -y install curl jq && \
  curl -s \
    | jq '.links[] | select(.display == "Linux") | .link' \
    | xargs curl -s --output caido.tar.gz && \
  tar -xf caido.tar.gz && \
  rm caido.tar.gz

## Runtime ##
FROM base

RUN groupadd -r caido && useradd --no-log-init -m -r -g caido caido

COPY --from=download caido /usr/bin/caido

USER caido


ENTRYPOINT ["caido"]
CMD ["--listen", ""]