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The Exports tab allows you to export data from the HTTP History and Search pages and use data collected by Caido in other tools.

This feature can also be used for archival purposes or audit purposes sometimes required by clients.

Exports Types

The Exports feature offers two export options:

  1. Export all: Exports all data of the specified tool.
  2. Export current rows: Exports only rows that match the filter and Scope currently set.


Export current rows is only available to Caido Pro users.

Export Formats

Each Export option has two formats available:

  1. JSON
  2. CSV


For the JSON format, data will be exported as an array of requests with their respective response nested. See the full JSON schema below:

{{ #include ../../_schemas/data_export.json }}


For the CSV format, each request/response pair will be exported on a row. Since CSV does not support nested columns, the response's columns have been renamed.



Once the Export is completed, it will be available on the Exports page.

Exports tab.

From here you can download/rename/delete the Export.