HTTPQL is the query language we use in Caido to let you filtering requests and responses. It is an evolving language that we hope will eventually become an industry standard.


Parts of a filter clause

1. Namespace

The first part of a filter clause is the namespace. We currently support 3 namespaces:

  • req: For HTTP requests
  • resp: For HTTP responses
  • preset: For filter presets

The preset namespace is a bit different, it doesn't have a field nor an operator. See the filters page to learn more about filter presets.

2. Field

The second part of filter clause is the field. Fields differ based on the the namespace. We will add more fields eventually. Let us know which ones you need!


  • ext: File extension (if we detected one). Extensions in Caido always contain the leading . (like .js). We are liberal in what we accept as an extension.
  • host: Hostname of the target server.
  • method: HTTP Method used for the request in uppercase. If the request is malformed, this will contain the bytes read until the first space.
  • path: Path of the query, including the extension.
  • port: Port of the target server.
  • raw: The full raw data of the request. This allows you to search on things we currently don't index (like headers).


  • code: Status code of the reponse. If the response is malformed, this will contain everything after HTTP/1.1 and the following space.
  • raw: The full raw data of the response. This allows you to search on things we currently don't index (like headers).

3. Operator

We have two categories of operators depending on the data type.


That category of operators work on field that are numbers like code and port.

  • eq: Equal to value
  • gt: Greater than value
  • gte: Greater than or equal to value
  • lt: Less than value
  • lte: Less than or equal to value
  • ne: No equal to value


That category of operators work on field that are text (or bytes) like path and raw.

  • cont: Contains value (case insensitive)
  • eq: Equal to value
  • like: Sqlite LIKE operator. The symbol % matches zero or more characters (like %.js to match .map.js) and the symbol _ matches one character (like v_lue to match vAlue).
  • ncont: Doesn't contain value (case insensitive)
  • ne: No equal to value
  • nlike: SQLITE NOT LIKE operator, see like for more details.


That category of operators work on field that are text (or bytes) like path and raw.

  • regex: Matches the regex /value.+/
  • nregex: Doesn't match the regex /value.+/

4. Value

This is the value against which the field will be compared. The value is either an integer (like 1), a string ("value") or a regex (/value/) depending on the field and operator.


The preset value is a different. You can reference presets in one of two ways:

  • Name: preset:"Preset name"
  • Alias: preset:preset-alias

Head over to the filters page to learn more about filter presets.


We support string standalone values without namespace, field and operator (like "my value"). It is a shortcut to search across both requests and responses, it is replaced at runtime by:

(req.raw.cont:"my value" OR resp.raw.cont:"my value")


A full HTTPQL Query

Queries are composed of multiple filter clauses that are combined together using logical operators and logical grouping.

Logical operators

We offer two logical operators:

  • AND: Both the left and right clauses must be true
  • OR: Either the left or right clause must be true

Operators can be written in upper or lower case. Both have the same priority.

Logical grouping

Caido supports the priority of operations, AND has a higher priority than OR. Here are some examples:

  • clause1 AND clause2 OR clause3 is equivalent to ((clause1 AND clause2) OR clause3)
  • clause1 OR clause2 AND clause3 is equivalent to (clause1 OR (clause2 AND clause3))
  • clause1 AND clause2 AND clause3 is equivalent to ((clause1 AND clause2) AND clause3)

We still recommend that you insert parentheses to make sure the logicial groups represent what you are trying to accomplish.