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JavaScript in Caido

Below includes in-depth foundational information, to skip to usage of JavaScript in Workflow Nodes - navigate to the JavaScript Node Functions section.

Why JavaScript?

Caido's decision to implement JavaScript as opposed to another programming language was arrived at based on multiple factors.

With JavaScript, context switching between the frontend and backend is minimal. JavaScript is a versatile language and easy to learn. Also, JavaScript is a familiar language to those that are using Caido as it is present in every engagement.


Caido uses the QuickJS Engine to handle any JavaScript code it receives. Without implementing an engine - Caido would not be able to utilize JavaScript for creating Workflows.

Caido leverages the QuickJS Engine to:

  1. Identify that the received input is JavaScript code.
  2. Parse and interpret the code.
  3. Run the code - performing the actions and computations within it.


As QuickJS is a lightweight, embeddable JavaScript engine - it does not have built-in support for TypeScript or all modules you would find in the browser or in Node.js.


JavaScript is a dynamically typed language, meaning that entities do not have a fixed data type and can hold values of any data type. The data type is determined at runtime based on the assigned values.

However, specific data types for entities may be required for code to run properly.

In order to achieve this, Caido utilizes JSDoc in the Workflow coding environment and external TypeScript.

JSDoc comments in JavaScript inform you as to what data type an entity expects.

TypeScript is used to explicitly assign data types to entities - a process known as type annotation. TypeScript then verifies that the correct data type is supplied in a process known as static type-checking.

Static type-checking is a preemptive measure to make sure you supplied the correct parameter types that Caido’s backend requires in order for the proper execution of the run function.


The data types that Workflows use are: bytes, strings, Boolean values, integers, request objects and response objects.


JSDoc comments start with /** and end with */. Within these comment blocks, you can use various tags and annotations to provide specific information about the code element being documented.


Some commonly used JSDoc tags include:

  • @param: Describes the parameters accepted by a function, including their names, types, and descriptions.

  • @returns: Describes the return value of a function, including its type and description.

  • @type: Specifies the data type of a variable or property.

Below is the default run function used by the JavaScript Convert Node:

Convert Type Function

 * @param {Bytes} input
 * @param {SDK} sdk
 * @returns {MaybePromise<Data>}`
export function run(input, sdk) {
  let parsed = sdk.asString(array)
  return parsed;

The value inside the {} is the type.

Using the comments as reference, you can view the declaration file to determine which methods are available to be called upon.


JSDoc comments for function parameters do not directly assign types to the parameters themselves. Meaning they will not enforce or assign types during runtime. However they are used in Caido to provide autocompletion and inform you on the expected type.

SDK autocomplete.


TypeScript is referred to as superset of JavaScript. A superset builds upon a programming language, adding additional capabilities.

TypeScript can be used when building Workflows outside of Caido - such as when using the Workflow Starter Kit.



function addNumbers(a: number, b: number): number {
    return a + b;

const result = addNumbers(2, "Hello world!");

In this example:

  • The addNumbers function takes two parameters (a and b).
  • Both a and b have a type annotation of number (applied using the syntax entity: type) - they each must have a value that is either an integer or float.
  • The return value is of type number (applied using the syntax : return data type).
  • Parameter b in the function call stored in the result variable has a string type value of "Hello world!" which is invalid.
  • With static type-checking, you will receive the following error before the function is even ran: Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'.

With TypeScript, you can also create custom data types. This is accomplished by defining the custom data types in what is known as a declaration file (TypeScript declaration files have the .d.ts extension).

Within a declaration file, you will find declared type aliases and classes (among other entities).


The export declare syntax in TypeScript is used to provide type definitions or declarations for external entities.

Type Aliases

When you declare a type alias, you are able to define the type/s that an entity should have.



The custom type alias definition in a TypeScript declaration file named types.d.ts is as follows:

export declare type Account = {
    username: string;
    age: number;
    isVerified?: boolean;

The external object entity in a TypeScript file named script.ts is as follows:

const account: Account = {
    username: 'ninjeeter',
    age: 35

In this example:

  • The type alias of Account defines that the username property should be of type string, the age property should be of type number and the isVerified property is optional (denoted by the ?), but if it is present, should be of type boolean.
  • The object in the external file script.ts has the Account type alias (applied using the syntax entity: Alias).
  • The account object passes static type-checking since the property values are all valid types.


When you declare a custom class type, you are able to define an object's:

  • Constructor: A special method used to create an instance of the class. An instance is simply a new object that inherits the properties and methods that are included in that class. The constructor's parameter/s, used to initialize the object and its property/properties or set its initial state, can be type annotated.
  • Properties: The characteristics of the object class, of which you can add type annotation.
  • Methods: The functions that perform actions/calculations using the object's properties and other logic. You can add type annotation to the function parameter/s as well as the return value.



The custom class type definition in a TypeScript declaration file named types.d.ts is as follows:

export declare class WelcomeMessage {
    constructor(username: string);
    greet(userId: number): void;

The method function code in an external TypeScript file named greetFunction.ts is as follows:

export function greet(userId: number): void {
    console.log(`Welcome User ${userId}!`);

The usage of the object entity in an external TypeScript file named script.ts is as follows:

import {greet} from './greetFunction.ts';

const obj: WelcomeMessage = new WelcomeMessage("ninjeeter");


In this example:

In the types.d.ts file:

  • The custom class type definition of WelcomeMessage defines that the username parameter of the constructor method should be of type string.
  • The userId parameter should be of type number. This parameter is used as an argument of the greet() method that is included in the object class.

In the greetFunction.ts file:

  • The greet() method function code defines that the return value is void (applied using the syntax : return data type), since no value is returned but rather printed to the console using console.log.

In the script.ts file:

  • The greet() function is imported from the greetFunction.ts file.
  • The object has the WelcomeMessage type (applied using the syntax entity: type).
  • The constructor method is called and the static type-checking passes since a valid string type value is supplied. A new object of the WelcomeMessage class is created.
  • The greet() method is called on the obj variable that stores the instance. The parameter value of 123 satisfies the number type requirement.
  • The following message is printed to the console: Welcome User 123!


The constructor parameter used to create the instance will become a property. In the above example, if you used console.log(obj.username), the output would be as follows:



For further documentation on this topic - click here.

For simplicity, in Caido when referring to the SDK - we are speaking of the methods that allow a JavaScript program ran in a JavaScript Node to interact with the rest of Caido backend.

These methods are the ones included within the SDK object:

export declare type SDK = {
  console: Console;
  findings: FindingsSDK;
  requests: RequestsSDK;
  asString(array: Bytes): string;


The SDK object inherits all the methods of Console, FindingsSDK and RequestsSDK.

This SDK object is the second parameter of the run function used by the JavaScript Node in Workflows.

Convert Type JavaScript Node Function

export function run(input, sdk) {
  let parsed = sdk.asString(array)
  return parsed;

Passive & Active Type JavaScript Node Function

export async function run({ request, response }, sdk) {
  if (request) {
    let host = request.getHost();

JavaScript Node Functions

When a JavaScript Node is executed inside a Workflow, one of two functions is ran - depending on the Workflow Type.

Convert Type JavaScript Node Function

 * @param {BytesInput} input
 * @param {SDK} sdk
 * @returns {MaybePromise<Data>}
export function run(input, sdk) {
  let parsed = sdk.asString(input);
  return parsed;

Function Breakdown & Declaration Associations

The JSDoc comment uses type tags to note what types are assigned to the function parameters:

 * @param {BytesInput} input
 * @param {SDK} sdk
 * @returns {MaybePromise<Data>}

The input parameter type is of type BytesInput. The sdk parameter is of the object type SDK. The associated declarations are:

export declare type BytesInput = Array<number>;

export declare type SDK = {
 console: Console;
 findings: FindingsSDK;
 requests: RequestsSDK;
 asString(array: Bytes): string;

The return value is of type MaybePromise<Data>. This type allows the handling of both synchronous and asynchronous functions. The value between the angle brackets <> is a placeholder for another type. Data is the type used which itself has a type of Bytes which can be of data types string, Array<number>, or Uint8Array. The associated declarations are:

export declare type MaybePromise<T> = T | Promise<T>;

export declare type Data = Bytes;

export declare type Bytes = string | Array<number> | Uint8Array;

The run function is available to be imported in external scripts. The function takes two parameters: input and sdk.

The variable parsed stores sdk.asString(input) to convert bytes into a string.

The SDK object assigned to sdk then uses the console.log method that it inherited from the Console object. This method is called on the parsed variable. The value of parsed will be printed to the backend logs. The associated declaration is:

export declare type Console = {
  debug(message: any): void;
  log(message: any): void;
  warn(message: any): void;
  error(message: any): void;

Finally, return parsed returns the string converted data.

Passive & Active Type JavaScript Node Function

 * @param {HttpInput} input
 * @param {SDK} sdk
 * @returns {MaybePromise<Data | undefined>}
export async function run({ request, response }, sdk) {
  if (request) {
    let host = request.getHost();

Function Breakdown & Declaration Associations

The JSDoc comment uses type tags to note what types are assigned to the function parameters:

 * @param {HttpInput} input
 * @param {SDK} sdk
 * @returns {MaybePromise<Data | undefined>}

The input parameter type is of the object type HttpInput which itself contains a request object and response object pair (if they exist). The sdk parameter is of the object type SDK. The associated declarations are:

export declare type HttpInput = {
  request: Request | undefined;
  response: Response | undefined;

export declare type Request = {
  getId(): ID;
  getHost(): string;
  getPort(): number;
  getTls(): boolean;
  getMethod(): string;
  getPath(): string;
  getQuery(): string;
  getHeaders(): Record<string, Array<string>>;
  getHeader(name: string): Array<string> | undefined;
  getBody(): Body | undefined;
  toSpec(): RequestSpec;
  toSpecRaw(): RequestSpecRaw;

export declare type Response = {
  getId(): ID;
  getCode(): number;
  getHeaders(): Record<string, Array<string>>;
  getHeader(name: string): Array<string> | undefined;
  getBody(): Body | undefined;

 export declare type BytesInput = Array<number>;

 export declare type SDK = {
  console: Console;
  findings: FindingsSDK;
  requests: RequestsSDK;
  asString(array: Bytes): string;

The return value is of union type MaybePromise<Data | undefined> due to the function being asynchronous. This type allows the handling of both synchronous and asynchronous functions. The value between the angle brackets <> separated by the | holds two types - Data OR undefined. Data type has a type of Bytes which can be of data types string, Array<number>, or Uint8Array. A resolved promise is returned as Data. OR the return value can be undefined if the promise is rejected. The associated declarations are:

export declare type MaybePromise<T> = T | Promise<T>;

export declare type Data = Bytes;

export declare type Bytes = string | Array<number> | Uint8Array;

The run function is available to be imported in external scripts. The function takes two parameters: input and sdk.

If the request exists (evaluates to true) - the getHost() method is called on it. This is stored in the host variable.

The SDK object assigned to sdk then uses the console.log method that it inherited from the Console object. This method is called on the host variable. The associated declaration is:

export declare type Console = {
  debug(message: any): void;
  log(message: any): void;
  warn(message: any): void;
  error(message: any): void;

Finally, the value of host will be printed to the backend logs.


X-Forwarded-For Passive Workflow

This Workflow will check the if the status code of responses to requests are either 401 or 403. If so, a new request will be sent with the X-Forwarded-For: header.

If the status code of the response to this newly issued request is 200 - a new Finding will be created, alerting you of the bypass.

The associated request/response pair to the bypass will be displayed rather than the original request/response pair in the Finding.

 * @param {HttpInput} input
 * @param {SDK} sdk
 * @returns {MaybePromise<Data | undefined>}
export async function run({ request, response }, sdk) {
  let reqID = request.getId();
  let respCode = response.getCode();
  sdk.console.log(`401/403 BYPASS WORKFLOW - Request ${reqID} received a code of: ${respCode}`);

  if (respCode === 401 || respCode === 403) {
    const spec = request.toSpec();
    spec.setHeader("X-Forwarded-For", "");

    let bypass = await sdk.requests.send(spec);
    if (bypass.response.getCode() === 200) {
      let finding = {
        title: "401/403 Bypass",
        description: `SUCCESS! Auth bypass via X-Forwarded-For header for ${bypass.request.getMethod()} ${bypass.request.getPath()} to ${bypass.request.getHost()}.`,
        reporter: "X-Forwarded-For Passive Workflow",
        request: bypass.request
      await sdk.findings.create(finding);

Function Breakdown

  • The asynchronous run function is created and is available to be imported in other scripts.
  • The first parameter of the function is a request object and response object pair. The second parameter of the function is the SDK object - used to interact with Caido's backend. The return value is a promise - a resolved promise is returned as Data OR the return value can be undefined if the promise is rejected.
  • A message is printed in the logs that references the request ID of the currently handled request.
  • If the response status code is either 401 or 403 - then the associated request is converted into a mutable state using the toSpec() method and stored in the spec variable.
  • The setHeader() method is called on the mutable request - adding X-Forwarded-For: as a header.
  • The request is sent using the sdk.requests.send() method. The response to this request is awaited and stored in the bypass variable.
  • The getCode() method is called on this new response. If the status code is 200 - a Finding object is created and stored in the finding variable.
  • The sdk.findings.create() method is called.
  • This call will await the completion of the creation process of the finding object and then creates a new Finding with it in the Caido interface.

Additional Information

For further documentation on coding in Workflows - click here.