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Creating Your First Project

What are Projects?

For advanced documentation on this topic - click here.

Caido utilizes a client-server architecture model. An Instance of Caido is essentially an installation. Click here for more information on Instances.

Think of Projects as separate directories for your audits. Projects allow you to stay organized when testing against multiple targets within the same Caido instance.

Creating a New Project

Projects tab.
  1. Select the Workspace tab from the left-hand menu within the Caido window.
  2. Ensure the Projects tab in the top-left area of the Caido window is selected.
  3. Click on the red + Create a project button in the top-right area of the Caido window. Name the Project - consider using a descriptive name of the context the Project will be utilized for (such as the name of the client you are auditing, a specific bug bounty program, the name of the product, etc.). Once you have entered a name - click on the Create button.
  4. Your new Project will now appear in the Workspace panel.
  5. Clicking on will present the following additional options:
  • Rename: Rename your Project.
  • Copy path: Copy the Project's data location on your device to your clipboard.
  • Create backup (Caido Pro Feature): Create a Backup of the Project data.
  • Delete: Delete the Project from your Instance.

Switching Between Projects

Caido offers the ability to switch between your Projects with ease. Switching Projects can be accomplished in two different ways:

  1. Selecting the Workspace tab from the left-hand menu within the Caido window and clicking the Select button next to the desired Project.
  2. Selecting the desired Project in the drop-down menu, located in the upper-right corner of the Caido window.

Capturing and Inspecting Web Traffic

Once you have familiarized yourself with creating Projects - basic capture and inspection of web traffic steps are available here: