
Workflows are the main way to customize Caido to suit your needs. A workflow consists of three components:

Convert workflow


Nodes are draggable blocks that perform specific actions. Add nodes to your workflow by dragging blocks from the left panel.

List of nodes

Clicking a node reveals its properties. A node takes a set of inputs and optionally produces a set of outputs. Each node has a customizable alias which is used to uniquely identify itself inside a workflow.

Base64 Node

Caido comes with a default list of nodes. Here are a few we support:

  • Encoding nodes (Base64/URL/Hex)
  • Hashing nodes (SHA1/SHA2)
  • Code nodes (Shell/JavaScript)
  • Control nodes (If-Else/If-Else-Javascript)
  • Misc nodes (Set-Color/HTTPQL)


Connections determine what order you want the nodes to run in.

Drag the bottom socket of one node into the top socket of another to connect them together.

Workflow Connections

Inputs & Outputs

While connections define what order the nodes are run in, they do not define what inputs each node will use.

Node inputs fall under two types:

  • Constant values
  • Reference values

You can toggle between each type with the Use references checkbox.

Workflow Node Inputs

When using a constant value, executing the node will use the value as-is. When using a reference value, executing the node will use the output of a previous node.

To use reference values, the content of the text field should be under the format:


Here's an example where the data output of the start node is used as data input for the url_decode node:

Output Node Input Node
Convert basic
Convert basic